Neuroscience seminars

As well as giving introductory seminars on neuroscience to groups of student and post-graduate counsellors and therapists, I also tackle specific subjects. These seminars are most often one day affairs, but some are half days or evenings, while others are over two days. They work in both in person and online formats - my preference is for in person when possible.

Here are some of the seminars I have given in the past:

The neuroscience of Focusing and why it works - a webinar for the Japan Focusing Professional Forum, 4/5th December 2021

Organising the world around the felt sense - a webinar for the International Focusing Institute, July 2021

Felt experiencing - a keynote presentation at the annual symposium of the Flemish Society for Client-centred Experiential Psychotherapy, June 2021 (online)

Left-right, mind-body - Suffolk Association for Counselling, October 2020 (online)


The felt sense, the body, & the brain - a webinar for the International Focusing Institute, August 2020

The neuroscience of the mind-body connection and psychosomatic isssues - BACP private practice conference, London 2019

Anxiety and neuroscience - Affordable Counselling, Paddock Wood 2018

Neuroscience in the therapy room - Rutland House Counselling & Therapy, Leicester 2018

The felt sense, the right brain, and other people - presentation at the International Focusing Conference, Cambridge 2016

Neuroscience of the social brain - keynote presentation at Edinburgh University student counselling service, 2015

Should therapists embrace neuroscience? - BACP Practitioners Conference, Leeds 2015

Focusing integrates the left and right brains - presentation at the International Focusing Conference in Seattle, USA 2015

Neuroscience, attachment and affect regulation - Psychotherapy UK, London, Manchester and Glasgow, 2014 onwards

The body and neuroscience - Ealing Abbey counselling service, London 2013

Focusing in an age of neuroscience - presentation at the International Focusing Conference, Switzerland 2013

The right brain and the holy grail - European Federation for Psychosynthesis Psychotherapy, Netherlands 2011

The biology of love & the therapeutic relationship - Psychosynthesis Professional Association, London 2010

A scientific theory of Focusing - presentation at the International Focusing Conference in Pforzheim, Germany 2010